Dear One,
Wherever I have lived, worked or played, God has blessed me with incredible women who have been more than just “friends”. These women hold a special place in my heart and my greatest fear is that some will never know. So, that said, if you are receiving this letter…you are one of these women. One who has been with me…laughed with me, cried with me. You have supported me through difficult times. You have celebrated my good times. You may have prayed with me or held me up in prayer, when I was unaware. Your love has been unconditional. You have been loyal, forgiving and steadfast. You need to know that you have made a difference in my life, and for that I am eternally grateful. Some go through life and have few they can call close friends…again, I am so thankful to call you friend.
For some, we were very young when we experienced life together. I carry memories that will forever bring a smile or giggle. Childhood friends that remain throughout life are especially dear. God is so good. He allows paths to cross and all the time He is weaving a beautiful story. Have you ever piled into a station wagon and headed for the Drive-In movies? Have you shared secrets, been on double dates, or passed notes in class with a best friend? Have you kept in touch when geography placed you at opposite ends of the country? Did that even matter? When you met up again after years apart, was it just like yesterday? That’s how it is for me.
Did you go off to college? Was it your first time away from home? Were you nervous? Did you have a stranger for a roommate that turned out to be a friend?
Isn’t it curious that total strangers from different parts of the country, randomly selected and placed together, could have common interests and bond? Do you think about how different friendships develop? Did you meet because you dated guys from the same fraternity? And after those men were no longer a part of your life, did you remain close? I believe so strongly that there is design to life. Each of you has purpose in my life…some past, some present and some future. And what I find so amazing and so wonderful is that time does not affect your purpose.
Have you moved away from home and had to make all new friends? I never thought I would live in New England. I am thankful that life’s road has unexpected turns. Life in New England changed me. Robin was born in Maine. I experienced my first boiled lobster, steamers and fried clams in Rockport, Massachusetts. I learned to crochet. I lived on the ocean and experienced a Nor’easter. I found a circle of friends that carried me through the darkest times in my life. They never judged me, but instead they supported me. No questions asked, no explanations needed…if I called, they were there…arms opened wide. How do you thank someone like that? How do they really know what a difference they made?
Have I been in your wedding? Were you in mine? Have I shared in the joy of your wedding or your children’s weddings? Did you carry me through Robin’s wedding? Did you help me see the beauty in all my circumstances? Yes!
When I had to fly to Cincinnati every other weekend to care for my parents, did you pray for me? When my father died, did you hold me? Did you travel with me to visit my mom? Did you sit in the nursing home and listen to her stories? Yes, you did. You were always there for me. Did you buy my mom a Bible? Did you spend countless hours in prayer for my parent’s salvation? Thank you.
Some of you know that I want “everything that’s coming to me”. Some of you have indulged my obnoxious behavior…especially on September 4. You have gone above and beyond. Some of you have endured Cincinnati Chili…some of you have learned to love Graeters Ice Cream.
Sometimes we have not seen eye to eye…but we have respected our differences and remained true. Your honest approach to resolving any difficulties has been refreshing in my life. As a Supervisor now, I have drawn on many of my life experiences to mentor and coach my team members. You have probably been an example I have shared.
I’m adopted, you must know that. I have spent much of my life pondering my placement. I have no desire to know any other family, what I have considered is my good fortune and the family I have been given. God chose very special women for my family. You have been teachers, coaches, mentors and friends.