Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Philippians, 4. 8

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Ya know those big puffy clouds? Ever stare at the sky and imagine? You can see all sorts of things if you look really hard. What about lying on the floor and imagining your room upside down?
I used to do that...I thought it would be so funny to have to step over a 3 inch wall to get in and out of rooms. In my new house, with the vaulted ceilings, when I imagine my upside down house...I realize I would slide down into the room. Growing up before computers and less TV, I did a lot of pretending...we were challenged to use our imaginations. The yards in my neighborhood were tremendous. My best friend, Ann, and I used to rake leaves...we'd spend hours arranging the piles to form walls and rooms. An aerial view would have revealed an elaborate floor plan. We would design HUGE homes and then play in them all afternoon. We left openings for doors and windows. It was such fun.
My cousin and I used to play a game we made up called " Old Fashioned". I just loved that game. All I can remember is we were in the pioneer days. We would drag out mom's pots and pretend we were cooking on the fire. The two concrete steps that led from our dining room to the patio became our stove. And we played Annie Oakley. The chairs and the couch became the huge rocks you see out west....we would gallup around the house on our make believe horses.
I don't even like horses....but you couldn't be a real cowgirl without a horse.
Tell me...what have you imagined?


CroppinRobin said...

Yep...used to do the 'upside down thing'.
Most of the imagining I do now is dreaming up designs and decorations for my house.

Anonymous said...

Never did the upside down thing. I did the refridgerator box thing.

Dee Dee's Diary said...

refrigerator box thing??????
'splain please?